Thursday, October 23, 2008

I need to get something off my chest

Greg and I got married almost 1 year ago. Anyone who knows me very well knows that one of my LONG time friends never showed up to our wedding. I have no clue why. No phone call, no email, no text message. I was told she just didn't feel like going. I have been BURNING to know what happened to make her not show up to her own friends wedding. It makes me SOOOO mad knowing that someone can do something like that. It's been almost a year now, and I still have NO clue why she never showed or called. It's hurtful, rude, unthoughtful, and disrespectful. Not only did her and her boyfriend not show, but her mom and her husband did not come either. They all 4 RSVP'd.

From a bride's prospective, and from the mother of the bride's prospective I offer the following insight to why it's rude to RSVP and then never show up. For an example we will use our wedding. Dinner and drinks ended up being about $75pp including tax. This was not a cheap wedding. 75x4=$300 that MY PARENTS AND GREG'S PARENTS spent to include them into our special day.

I find it a very selfish and disrespectful act, on my half and our parents behalf.

Everyone grows up at some point. Some take a bit longer to mature and get themselves on the right path and direction. I hope this person had found that direction, and will some day explain to me their reasoning and offer some type of apology. This was not just a person I kind of new, I considered her one of my best friends.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that happened! I actually did not RSVP to my friend's wedding when we were 23 -- she mentioned it to me when I moved back at 25 and how hurt she was. Since we were not good friends anymore and it was destination I figured it was a charity invite. I found out 2 years later that it was not and I hurt her pretty badly. I since apologized and learned the importance of RSVP'ing and of course showing up. There is NO excuse to the 4 of them not coming but maybe you should explain how much it hurt you. It really put it in perspective when my girlfriend approached me about it.
